What is Environmental Wellness?
The Environmental aspect of wellness is perhaps the least understood of the 8 Dimensions. Many people think it means concern for the sustainability of the planet. Certainly, that’s a component but its focus is on the individual’s surroundings - workplace, home and access to nature.
As we’ve mentioned previously, the 8 Dimensions of Wellness are all connected. A healthy, clean and safe environment supports Mental, Social and Emotional wellness. In the workplace, employees who spend time outside (especially in a park or forest) are happier and more productive.
Similarly, housing fulfills the most basic of human needs. According to Maslow’s hierarchy, safety and physiological requirements are met through shelter. Everyone does not need to live in a mansion to feel safe, but one’s residence must be clean and comfortable. Most people spend a lot of time at home, relaxing with loved ones, sharing a meal and rejuvenating through sleep.
As investors, the founders of 8 Dimension Ventures have supported various Environmental wellness companies, one of which is Zwings. This firm is the leading provider of e-scooter and e-bike rentals in the UK. Its founders also understand that the Environmental Dimension links to many of the others in helping individuals feel physically and mentally healthy.
Zwings offers sustainable and convenient travel, especially during the pandemic when taking the tube has brought health risks. It gives riders access to fresh open air, contributing to their Mental wellness. In addition, it provides them a sense that they are contributing to the health of the planet by not driving a car.
Zwings is a company that really comprehends the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.