What is Social Wellness?

One of the vital aspects of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness is that they are interconnected. Everything must be in balance. You can have all the Financial health in the world, but it is nothing without Social and Physical wellness. 

Let’s take a look at the Social Dimension. Connecting with other people is essential to our wellbeing and mental health. People are social creatures and the restrictions over the past year during the pandemic have taken a toll on the physical and mental health of many. 

As a financial company, 8 Dimension Ventures seeks start-ups that will enhance the wellness of people and the planet. When we consider an investment, the business must be in balance too. One can have a fantastic idea, but it won’t be a success unless you have a great team, relevant marketing and outstanding customer service. 

Here’s an example of a Social wellness company that our founders have supported. Pawprint is an employee engagement tool to channel efforts to fight climate change. Pawprint contributes to both Social and Environmental wellness. 

First of all, Pawprint helps individuals measure their own carbon impact. Secondly, it informs employees how they can live a low-carbon lifestyle. Then it uses Social connections in the workplace to engage all team members in nurturing sustainability. 

Pawprint helps people develop a sense of connection and belonging – whilst enhancing the environment.


What is Spiritual Wellness?


What is Financial Wellness?