Investing in
Pure Potential


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8 Dimension Ventures looks to invest in the Pure Potential of extraordinary Health & Wellness ideas brought to life by visionary founders looking to make a positive impact on people and the planet. 8DV’s partners are seasoned investors and experienced entrepreneurs, who enjoy sharing the journey with our valued founders, partners, and investors.


Our Focus


8DV focuses on Health & Wellness not only because it’s one of the fastest-growing and most profitable sectors, but because of its inherent mission to promote a better understanding of the human condition and to improve it. Socially-aware investors will find the Pure Potential Fund offers them socially responsible investments that have the potential for great returns both financially and ethically. 

By focusing on early-stage companies, we hope to give some of the brightest and most promising start-ups the funding and guidance necessary to realise the success and recognition they deserve, while also contributing to the advancement of planetary wellness.


Our Method


The 8 Dimensions of Wellness are at the soul of our business and 8DV looks to these to guide and balance our investment decisions. Staying true to our core ethos and mission of making a positive impact on the world, we utilise and invest in the 8 different dimensions of wellness.

The benefit of this methodology is two-fold; first, by referring to the dimensions we assure that we are focused on the Health & Wellness sector and secondly by investing in each of the 8 Dimensions our fund stays diversified within the sector.

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Pure Potential Fund

Supporting Health & Wellness


Founders Community

Our Most Valued Resource


The 8DV team ecosystem is dedicated to giving Health & Wellness companies the very best guidance, support and inspiration possible. We work with visionary founders and help them to develop exceptional businesses, so they can deliver best-in-kind solutions to improve both people and the planet.



Adviser Forum

Professional Partners


Let’s Talk

If you are interested in discussing funding and want to reach your Pure Potential, we look forward to hearing from you.